The Museums and Heritage show was a huge success and we had a wonderful time meeting customers old and new. Lots of interesting projects on the go and it was fascinating to hear what you are all up to. Now its time to get back to everyone we spoke to and hopefully be part of some of the great work done by museums professionals all across the UK, Europe and the World!

Its that time of year again! The Museums and Heritage Show is here (16th and 17th May – Earls Court, London) and we can be found in our usual spot on stand D4. We will have the usual range of products on display – monitoring and control. We have the new LAE controller as well as the new RTR range of wirless data loggers. We will also have the new 6002 handheld meter and the Lufft Opus 20 data logger. Lots to see. Michael, Samantha and Naomi look forward to seeing you so pop along and say hello!